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  • Reflections from 2017

    By Jodi

    December 31, 2017

    The end of the year is a time to reflect on what happened in the past year and what you would like to manifest in the new year. So on this last day of 2017, I want to summarize what I’ve learned this year.

    How to Make Decisions from the Heart

    By Jodi

    December 21, 2017

    A friend came to me the other day looking for help making a decision. This is ironic, as I used to be the most terrible decision maker concerning my own personal life out there. In the past, I have been great at making work decisions, but when it came to...

    Going with the Flow of Life

    What it Means to Be Rather than Do

    By Jodi

    September 09, 2017

    What would happen if you decided to surrender to what is, rather than wishing it was some other way, causing unnecessary suffering?

    Where's Jodi?

    By Jodi

    July 14, 2017

    Hi guys. I know, I’ve been MIA for quite some time now. That’s because my life seems to have changed drastically since the Yoga Teacher Training I attended in April. As all the reviews claimed, it literally was a life changing experience for me. I am now essentially living and...

    Kuala Lumpur in a Day

    10 Things to Do in KL

    By Jodi

    May 22, 2017

    Almost a year ago now (for real?!), I flew into Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (“KL” as they call it) from Bali at midnight, knowing I only had a full day to explore the city before ending my month long trip and heading back to the US very early the following morning....

    What is Yoga?

    Why I Did a Yoga Teacher Training

    By Jodi

    May 03, 2017

    Guys, I did it. I’m a “yoga teacher,” it’s official [reason for quotes coming soon]. I participated in a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) at Blooming Lotus Yoga in Ubud, Bali, and it was quite the experience.

    My First Week in Bali

    The Soft Launch

    By Jodi

    April 09, 2017

    Hey hey. I’m back for my weekly post. Although I’m just going to put this out there now; I am not going to be able to hold to my weekly post commitment until mid-May.

    The Blog Launch

    This is Not an April Fool's Joke

    By Jodi

    April 01, 2017

    Consider this my blog launching post. Holy hell, I have been working on this thing since May 2016. Yep, almost a year. Sadly, it’s still not perfect since I coded it myself, but what is? Congratulations to me for finally launching it. I welcome your thoughts and feedback.

    Getting Sick in Vietnam

    It was bound to happen at some point

    By Jodi

    March 26, 2017

    So, last week I got poisoned by something. I narrowed it down to the following:

    Getting Started with Mindfulness and Meditation

    My Mindful Journey

    By Jodi

    March 19, 2017

    Considering I want this site to be about mindfulness and travel, I figured I should give you a bit of the backstory about how I began practicing mindfulness and meditation. Let’s start simple. A google search yields the following definitions of mindfulness:

    Why You Should Travel to Myanmar

    Trip Summary

    By Jodi

    February 24, 2017

    I’m on a flight to Vietnam after a whirlwind Myanmar tour. 16 total days, five cities, and a couple villages. Here was the rough itinerary: Mandalay three days, Bagan two days, Kalaw one night, trek from Kalaw to Inle Lake for three days and two nights, stay on Inle Lake...

    My First Silent Meditation Retreat

    By Jodi

    February 19, 2017

    Last fall I attended my first ever silent meditation retreat in Claymont, West Virginia through the Insight Meditation Community of Washington with Shell Fischer of Mindful Shenandoah Valley. In the last year, I have discovered not only this community, but meditation and mindfulness in general. It has truly been a...

    The Meaning of Life

    By Jodi

    February 12, 2017

    Life. So complex, yet so simple. So happy, but then so sad. So bright, yet sometimes so bleak. One minute we have it all under control, but then it all falls apart, only for us to pick up the pieces again. But yet, isn’t that the beauty of life? Aren’t...

    Why I Travel

    By Jodi

    February 05, 2017

    Do you ever have those moments of clarity where you realize right now, right where you are, at this moment in time is where you should be and what you should be doing, without really having any knowledge as to why this is what you should be doing or what...